July Eidolon & Simulacrum Challenge

Over on the Swords Without Master G+ community, we are seeking adventure in the environs of this planet Earth.

The Eidolon & Simulacrum Challenge for July is to present some real place on Earth as an eidolon for a rogue or a tale. Bonus points if the eidolon is from somewhere you have been. And double score if you provide a rogue or tale to go along with it.

The uninitiated need not stand idly by and only witness. You do not need to be familiar with the rules to participate. An eidolon or simulacrum is something of our world that reminds you of some part or person of that far off land of swords and sorceries that beckons you. A quiet, contemplative place hidden deep among the trees. An active caldera where you imagine a sorcerer might stand, calling forth and binding infernal intelligences. A crumbling structure built by human hubris to withstand the indomitable process of decay. What is out there upon our planet that transports you to the other world? Share your insights with the community and behold with awe the wonders others have stumbled upon in their travels.

Swords Without Master appears in Volume 1, Issue 3 of Worlds Without Master